Brain Processing of Complex Geometric Forms in a Visual Memory Task Increases P2 Amplitude.
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Yawning and Penile Erection Frequencies Are Resilient to Maternal Care Manipulation in the High-Yawning Subline of Sprague–Dawley Rats.
Ángeles Dorantes-Nieto, Carmen Cortes, Araceli Ugarte, Angélica Trujillo Hernández, Ángeles Carrasco, Héctor Alejandro Cepeda-Freyre and Jose R. Eguibar (2020) frontiersBrain Science (MDPI). 10, 114; doi:10.3390


Augmenting EEG-global-coherence with auditory and visual noise: Multisensory internal stochastic resonance.
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The Spinal Neurons Exhibit an ON-OFF and OFF-ON Firing Activity Around the Onset of Fictive Scratching Episodes in the Cat.
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Optogenetic noise-photostimulation on the brain increases somatosensory spike firing responses.
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Yawning reduces facial temperature in the high‑yawning subline of Sprague‑Dawley rats
Jose R. Eguibar, Carlos A. Uribe, Carmen Cortes, Amando Bautista and Andrew C. Gallup
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Functional Diversity of Secreted Cestode Kunitz Proteins: Inhibition of Serine Peptidases and Blockade of Cation Channels.
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The inward rectifier potassium channel gene Kir 4.1 is upregulated in murine astrocytes after injection with the Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus.
Rubio Nazario, Mercado Francisco, Almanza Angelica y Soto Enrique.

In vivo genetic manipulation of inner ear connexin expression by bovine adeno-associated viral vectors
Giulia Crispino, Fabian Galindo Ramirez, Matteo Campioni, Veronica Zorzi, Mark Praetorius, Giovanni Di Pasquale, John A. Chiorini & Fabio Mammano.
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Brownian optogenetic-noise-photostimulation on the brain amplifies somatosensory-evoked field potentials.
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Acid-Sensing Ion Channels as Potential Therapeutic Targets in Neurodegeneration and Neuroinflammation.
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Identification, chemical synthesis and heterologous expression of an antinociceptive peptide from the veined tree frog Trachycephalus typhonius.
Garcia-Garcia Francia, Corrales-Garcia Ligia, Olamendi-Portugal Timoteo, Restano-Cassulini Rita, Ortiz Ernesto, Sandoval Gabriel, Rosario Vega, Mayra Vega, Soto Enrique, Corzo Gerardo.
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Tonically Active α5GABAA Receptors Reduce Motoneuron Excitability and Decrease the Monosynaptic Reflex.
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Assessment the change on rhythm cardiac produces by the metabolic syndrome in rats: using nonlinear methods.
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Cytotoxicity evaluation of anatase and rutile TiO2 thin films on CHO-K1 cells in vitro.
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Heart Rate Variability as Early Biomarker for the Evaluation of Diabetes Mellitus Progress.
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Stochastic resonance in the synaptic transmission between hair cells and vestibular primary afferents in development.
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A New Member of Gamma-Conotoxin Family Isolated from Conus princeps Displays a Novel Molecular Target.
Johanna Bernáldez, Samanta Jiménez, Luis Javier González , Jesús Noda Ferro, Soto, E., Emilio Salceda, Daniela Chávez, Manuel B. Aguilar and Alexei Licea-Navarro.
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Diseño de una Prótesis Vestibular.
Vladimir Aleksandrova, Maribel Reyes Romero , Tamara Alexandrova, Soto, E. , Vega, R., Adriana Cristina Pliego Carrillo , Wuiyevaldo Fermín Guerrero Sánchez.
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An output signal correction algorithm for vestibular mechanoreceptors to simulate passive turns.
V. V. Aleksandrov, T. B. Alfeksandrova, A. Anggeles Vaskes, Vega, R., M. Reies Romero, Soto, E., K. V. Tikhonova and N. E. Shulenina.
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Acid-Sensing Ion Channels Expression, Identity and Role in the Excitability of the Cochlear Afferent Neurons.
Antonia González-Garrido, Vega, R., Francisco Mercado, Iván A. López and Soto, E.
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Dopaminergic Modulation of the VoltageGated Sodium Current in the Cochlear Afferent Neurons of the Rat.
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∝-dendrotoxin inhibits the ASIC current in dorsal root ganglion neurons from rat.
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Lung Beractant Increases Free Cytosolic Levels of Ca2+ in Human Lung Fibroblasts.
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Firing properties of auditory primary afferents from the basilar papilla in the chick.
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Transition of pattern generation: The phenomenon of post-scratching locomotion.
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Effect of mechanical tactile noise on the amplitude of visual evoked potentials: Multisensory stochastic resonance.
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Sleep deprivation and oxidative stress in animal models: a systematic review. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity.
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Differential frequency-dependent antidromic resonance of the Schaffer collaterals and mossy fibers. Brain Struct Funct.
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P53 at the endoplasmic reticulum regulates apoptosis in a CA2+-dependent manner.
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Intravital imaging reveals P53-Dependentcancer cell death induced by phototherapy via CA2+ signaling.i
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Dopaminergic Modulation of the Voltage-Gated Sodium Current in the Cochlear Afferent Neurons of the Rat.
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A novel sea anemone peptide that inhibits acid-sensing ion channels.
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Inhibition of Peripheral Nociceptors by Aminoglycosides Produces Analgesia in Inflammatory Pain Models in the Rat.
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Suppression of Enhanced Physiological Tremor via Stochastic Noise: Initial Observations.
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Electrophysiological representation of scratching CPG activity in the cerebellum.
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Histological correlates of N40 auditory evoked potentials in adult rats after neonatal ventral hippocampal lesión: animal model of schizophrenia.
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Improved detection of magnetic signals by a MEMS sensor using stochastic resonance
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La adicción a drogas. Saberes y Ciencias.
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Enhanced corticomuscular coherence by external stochastic noise.
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Spinal neurons bursting in phase with fictive scratching are not related to spontaneous cord dorsum potentials.
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Broad-band Gaussian noise is most effective in improving motor performance and is most pleasant.
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Biocompatibility and Surface Properties of TiO2 Thin Films Deposited by DC Magnetron Sputtering.
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Mathematical Modeling of Output Signal for the Correction of the Vestibular System Inertial Biosensors.
Vladimir V. Aleksandrov, Maribel Reyes Romero, Soto, E., Vega, R.
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Activation of μ-opioid receptors inhibits calcium-currents in the vestibular afferent neurons of the rat through a cAMP dependent mechanism.
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Mathematical simulation of correction of output signals from gravitoinertial mechanorreceptor of a vestibular apparatus.
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Symptomatic treatment of vestibular deficits: Therapeutic potential of histamine H4 receptors.
Eric Wersingera, Sophie Gaboyard-Niaya, Cécile Travo, Soto, E., Adriana Baez, Vega, R., Auror Brugeauda and Christian Chabbert.
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Neuropharmacological basis of vestibular system disorder treatment.
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On the automatic correction of vestibular-sensori conflict under weightlessness condictions of space, based galvanic stimulation priniple and on mathematical and computer modeling.
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Upregulation of voltage gated Ca2+ channels in mouse astrocytes infected with the virus of the murine encephalomyelitis of Theiler.
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Identity, expression and functional role of the sodium-activated potassium current in vestibular ganglion afferent neurons.
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Female vibration discourages male courtship behaviour in the Amarillo fish (Girardinichthys multiradiatus).
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Functional expression of P2 receptors in the inner ear of chicken embryo.
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Excitatory Actions of GABA in Developing Chick Vestibular Afferents: Effects on Resting Electrical Activity.
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Lordosis facilitation by leptin in ovariectomized, estrogen-primed rats requires simultaneous or sequential activation of several protein kinase pathways.
Marcos García-Juárez, Carlos Beyera, Porfirio Gómora-Arratia, Raymundo Domínguez-Ordoñez, Francisco J. Lima-Hernández, Eguibar, J., Yadira L. Galicia-Aguas, Anne M. Etgen, Oscar González-Flores
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Metabolic Syndrome Remodels Electrical Activity of the Sinoatrial Node and Produces Arrhythmias in Rats.
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Improvement of the metabolic status recovers cardiac potassium channel synthesis in experimental diabetes.
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Digital Signal Processing by Virtual Instrumentation of a MEMS Magnetic Field Sensor for Biomedical Applications.
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Modeling zero-lag synchronization of dorsal horn neurons during the traveling of electrical waves in the cat spinal cord.
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Reticular activating system of a central pattern generator: premovement electrical potentials.
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Respiratory magnetogram detected with a MEMS device.
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Subacute Zinc Administration and L-NAME Caused an Increase of NO, Zinc, Lipoperoxidation, and Caspase-3 during a Cerebral Hypoxia-Ischemia Process in the Rat.
Victor Manuel Blanco-Alvarez, Patricia Lopez-Moreno, Guadalupe Soto-Rodriguez, Daniel Martinez-Fong, Hector Rubio, Juan Antonio Gonzalez-Barrios, Celia Piña-Leyva, MaricelaTorres-Soto, María de Gómez, J., Daniel Hernandez-Baltazar, Eduardo Brambila, Eguibar, J., Araceli Ugarte, Jorge Cebada, and Bertha Alicia Leon-Chavez.
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Sperm count and sperm motility decrease in old rats.
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El lenguaje.
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Imaginar la profética del futuro.
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El extraño caso de Vivian Maier.
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Vida y Muerte. Saberes y Ciencias.
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El libro electrónico: actualidad y futuro.
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Elementos y el Índice de Revistas Mexicanas de Divulgación.
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Improved sensorimotor performance via stochastic resonance.
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Reduced phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate synthesis impairs inner ear ca2+ signaling and high-frequency hearing acquisition.
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Absence of effects of contralateral group I muscle afferents on presynaptic inhibition of Ia terminal in humans and cats.
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Corticomuscular coherence reflects interindividual differences in the state of the corticomuscular networkduring low-level static and dynamic forces.
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Nitric oxide production is associated to increased lipoperoxidation and active caspase-3 in demyelinated brain regions of the taiep rat.
Guadalupe Soto-Rodríguez, Daniel Martínez-Fong, Rosa Arroyo, Patricia Aguilar-Alonso, Hector Rubio, Eguibar, J., Araceli Ugarte, Maricela Torres-Soto, Juan Antonio González-Barrios, Jorge Cebada, Eduardo Brambila, Bertha Alicia Leon-Chavez.
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The nitric oxide pathway participates in lordosis behavior induced by central administration of leptin.
Marcos García-Juárez, Carlos Beyer, Porfirio Gómora-Arrati, Francisco J. Lima-Hernández, Raymundo Domínguez-Ordoñez, Eguibar, J., Anne M. Etgen, Oscar González-Flores.
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Copulation and ejaculation in male rats under sexual satiety and the Coolidge effect.
José L. Tlachi-López, Eguibar, J., Alonso Fernández-Guasti, Rosa Angélica Lucio.
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Molecular identity, ontogeny, and cAMP modulation of the hyperpolarization-activated current in vestibular ganglion neurons.
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FMRFamide-related peptide expression in the vestibular-afferent neurons.
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Herman Helmholtz: de la ilustración a las neurociencias.
Soto, E.
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Dopaminergic D2-like agonists produce yawning in the myelin mutant taiep and Sprague–Dawley rats.
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Alternative Post-Processing on a CMOS Chip to Fabricate a Planar Microelectrode Array.
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Automatic correction of the personal orientation in space.
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Sensing magnetic flux density of artificial neurons with a MEMS device.
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Analytical Modeling for the Bending Resonant Frequency of Sensors Based on Micro-and Nanoresonators with Complex Structural Geometry.
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Mechanical design and characterization of a resonant magnetic field microsensor with linear response and high resolution.
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Electrophysiological characterization of a novel small peptide from the venom of Conus californicus that targets voltage-gated neuronal Ca2+ channels.
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Information process in the lateral semicircular canals.
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436 (2011) 1-5.

Antinociception produced by Thalassia testudinum extract BM-21 is mediated by the inhibition of acid-sensing ionic channels by the phenolic compound thalassiolin B.
Garateix A., Salceda E., Menéndez R., Regalado E.L., López O., García T., Morales R.A., Laguna A., Thomas O.P. and Soto, E.
Molecular Pain (2011) 7:10

GABA: ¿dualidad funcional? Transición durante el neurodesarrollo.
Cortés C., Galindo, F., Galicia S. y Flores, A.
Revista de Neurología 52 (2011) 665-675.


Leptin facilitates lordosis behavior through GnRH-1 and progestin receptors in estrogen-primed rats.
García-Juárez M., Beyer C., Soto-Sánchez A., Domínguez-Ordoñez R., Gómora-Arrati P., Lima-Hernández F.J., Eguibar, J., M. Etgen A. and González-Flores O.
Neuropeptides (2010)

Development of spontaneous activity and response properties of primary lagenar neurons in the chick.
Galicia S., Cortés C., Galindo, F. Flores, A.
Cell Mol. Neurobiol. 3 (2010) 327-31

Presynaptic dopaminergic agonists increased
gripping-generated immobility episodes in the myelin-mutant taiep rat
Eguibar, J., Cortés Ma., Lara-Lozano, M.
Neuroscience Letters
483 (2010) 189–192

Comparative Analysis of Maternal Care in the High-Yawning (HY) and Low-Yawning (LY) Sublines From Sprague–Dawley Rats.
Ugarte A., Eguibar, J., Cortes Ma., Leon-Chavez L., I-Melo A.
Developmental Psychobiology. 53 (2010) 105-117. doi: 10.1002/dev.20497

Behavioral characterization of non-copulating male rats with high spontaneous yawning frequency rate.
Portillo W., Camacho F., Eguibar J., Paredes R.
Behavioural Brain Research 214 (2010) 225–230

Sensing magnetic flux density of artificial neurons with a MEMS device.
Tapia J.A., Herrera-May A.L., García-Ramírez P.J., Martinez-Castillo J., Figueras E., Flores A, Manjarrez, E.
Biomed Microdevices (2011) 13:303–313. DOI 10.1007/s10544-010-9494-2

Analytical Modeling for the Bending Resonant Frequency of Sensors Based on Micro-and Nanoresonators with Complex Structural Geometry.
Herrera-May A.L., García-Ramírez P.J., Aguilera-Cortés L.A., Plascencia-Mora H.,
Garcia-Gonzalez L., Manjarrez, E., Narducci M., Figueras E.
IEEE Sensors Journal. ISSN: 1530-437X. IEEE Sensors Journal 11 (2010) No. 6. 1361-1374

Phospholipase C-mediated inhibition of the M-potassium current by muscarinic-receptor activation in the vestibular primary-afferent neurons of the rat.
Pérez C, Vega, R . and Soto, E.
Neuroscience Letters 468 (2010) 238-242.

The aminoglycosides modulate the acid-sensing ionic-channel (ASIC) currents in dorsal-root ganglion neurons from the rat.
Garza A, López-Ramírez O, Vega, R. and Soto, E.
Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 332 (2010) 489–499.

Mechanical design and characterization of a resonant magnetic field microsensor with linear response and high resolution.
Herrera-May A.L., García-Ramírez P.J., Aguilera-Cortés L.A.,  Figueras E., Martinez-Castillo J., Manjarrez, E., Sauceda A., Garcia-Gonzalez L., Juarez-Aguirre R.
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical.  ISSN: 0924-4247. 165 (2010) 399-409.

Neuropharmacology of the vestibular system disorders.
Soto, E., Vega, R.
Current Neuropharmacology
8 (2010) 26-40.

Information Process in the Biosensor of the Angular Motion of the Head. In Computers and Simulation in Modern Science.
V. V., Alexandrova T. B., Castillo-Quiroz G., Ortega A., Vega R., Shulenina N., Sidorenko G., Soto, E.
Volume IV.  WSEAS Press. (2010), pp 56-62.

The sea anemone Bunodosoma caissarum toxin BcIII modulates the sodium current kinetics of rat dorsal root ganglia neurons and is displaced in a voltage-dependent manner.
Salceda E, López O, Zaharenko AJ, Garateix A and Soto, E.
Peptides 31 (2010) 412–418.

Sistemas Nanoelectromecánicos: Origen, Aplicaciones y Desafíos.
Herrera-May A., Aguilera-Cortés A., Manjarrez, E., González-Palacios M.
Interciencia. 35 (3): 163-170. ISSN 0378-1844. Citado en ISI Web of Science; ISI Web of Knowledge. (2010)

Neurophamacology of Yawning.
Collins-T, C., Eguibar, J.
Neurology Neuroscience. Basel, Karger, 28 (2010) 90–106

Cienciometría y nuevos medios de publicación.
Soto, E
. y Vega, R.
Elementos. 81 (2010) 31-39.

¡Violento Yo!
Soto, E.
Metapolitica No. 71 (2010) 100-101.

El pederasta y su cerebro.
Soto, E
Metapolítica 70 Vol 13 (2010)  111-114.

El castillo de los sueños.
Soto, E
Metapolítica 69 Vol.13 (2010)  107-108

El tacto y la plástica.
Soto, E
Metapolítica 68. Vol. 13 (2010) 96-97.

Dormir y soñar.
Soto, E.
Elementos. 80 (2010) 3-11.


Activation of serotonin 5-HT1-receptors decreased gripping-induced immobility episodes in taiep rats.
Ita M., Cortés Ma., Valencia J., Eguibar, J.
Neuroscience Letters.
449 (2009) 147-150.

Serotonergic-Postsynaptic Receptors Modulate
Gripping-Induced Immobility Episodes in Male Taiep Rats
Eguibar, J., Cortes Ma., Ita M. L.
Synapse. 63 (2009) 737-744.

Resonant Magnetic Field Sensors Based On MEMS Technology.
Herrera-May A.L., Aguilera-Cortés L.A., García-Ramírez P.J., Manjarrez, E.
.  9 (2009) 7785-7813.

An intersegmental neuronal architecture for spinal wave propagation under deletions.
Perez T, Tapia JA., Mirasso CR, Garcia-Ojalvo J, Quevedo J, Cuellar CA and Manjarrez, E.
Journal of Neuroscience. 29 (2009) 1054-10263.

Propagation of sinusoidal electrical waves along the spinal cord during a fictive motor task.
Cuellar A.C., Tapia J.A., Juárez V., Quevedo J., Linares P., Martínez L., Manjarrez, E.
Journal of Neuroscience. 29 (2009) 798-810.

Upregulation of voltage-gated Na+ channels by long-term activation of the ghrelin-growth hormone secretagogue receptor in clonal GC somatotropes.
Dominguez B., Felix R. and Monjaraz, E.
Journal of Physiology Endocrinology Metab. 296 (2009) 148-156.

Local Method in Computer Modeling of Mechanoreceptor from Vestibular System.
A. Grebennikov, V. Alexandrov, Soto, E., G. Castillo.
Proceedings of the 2nd WSEAS International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Biomedical Informatics (
2009) 136-142.

Acid-sensing ionic-channel functional expression in the vestibular endorgans.
Vega, R., Rodríguez U., Soto, E.
Neuroscience Letters.
463 (2009) 199-202.

Mathematical Modeling of the Informative Process in the Biosensor of Angular Acceleration.
Alexandrov V. V., Alexandrova T. B., Castillo G., Sidorenko G., Ortega A., Vega, R. and Soto, E.
Proceedings of the 2nd WSEAS International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Biomedical Informatics (2009) 105-110.

Recent Advances in Biomedical Electronics and Biomedical Informatics.
Alexandrov, V.V., Alexandrova,T.V., Castillo, G., Sidorenko, G., Ortega, A., Vega, R. and Soto, E.
WSEAS. (2009) 105-110

Regulation of CaV3.1 Channels by Glucocorticoids.
Avila, T., Hernandez-Hernandez, O., Almanza, A., Bermudez de Leon, M., Urban, M., Soto, E., Cisneros, B., Felix., R.
Cell Mol Neurobiology 29 (2009) 1265–1273

Local Method in Computer Modeling of Mechanoreceptor from Vestibular System.
Grebennikov, V. Alexandrov,Soto, E., G. Castillo.
WSEAS. (2009) 136-142

Multiple effects of 4-aminopyridine on feline and rabbit sinoatrial node myocites and multicellular preparations.
Aréchiga Figueroa, I., Rodríguez Martínez M., Albarado A., Torres, J., Sánchez Chapula J.
Cardiovascular Physiology. (2009)

Farmacología del Sistema Vestibular
Soto, E., Vega, R.

Si dormimos, ¿Para que soñamos?.
Soto, E.
Metapolítica 67 (2009) 96-97

Blanco y Negro o Color:, ¿Que prefieres?.
Soto, E.
Metapolítica 66 (2009) 105-106


Genetic and Littermate Influences on Yawning in Two Selectively Bred Strains of Rats.
Moyaho A., Barajas M., Ugarte A., Eguibar, J.
Dev. Psychobiol. 3 (2008) 243-428.

Perineal Striated Muscles: Anatomy, Spinal Motoneurons, and Participation on Copulatory Behavior in Male Rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus).
Zempoalteca R., Lucio R.A., and Eguibar, J.
62 (2008) 653-661.

Mathematical Model of Information Process in Vestibular Mechanoreceptor.
Alexandrov V. V. Alexandrova T. B. Vega, R., Castillo Quiróz G., Reyes Romero M. and Soto, E.
4th WSEAS International Conference on Mathematical Biology and Ecology (MABE'08) Acapulco, Mexico, January 25-27, (2008)

The Gravity-Inertial Mechanism of Orientation in Birds and Other Vertebrates.
Sadovnichi V. A., Soto, E., Alexandrov V. V., and Alexandrova T.B.
Published in Russian in Doklady Akademii Nauk. 419:5 (2008) 712-714.

A Mathematical Model for the Generation of Output Information in a Gravitoinertial Mechanoreceptor when Moving in a Sagittal Plane.
Sadovnichii V.A., Aleksandrov V.V., Aleksandrova T.B., Vega, R., Quiroz Castillo, Reyes Romero M., Soto, E., and Shulenina N. E.
Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, Matematika. Mekhanika. 63:6 (2008) 55-60.

Mathematical Model of the Cupula-Endolymph System with Morphological Parameters for the Axolotl (Ambystoma tigrinum) Semicircular Canals.
Vega, R., Vladimir V. Alexandrov, Tamara B. Alexandrova and Soto, E.
The Open Medical Informatics Journal. 2 ( 2008) 138-148.

The Gravity–Inertial Mechanism of Orientation in Birds and Other Vertebrates.
Sadovnichii, V.A., Soto, E., Alexandrov, V. V.,and Alexandrova, T.
Pleiades Publishing (2008), Vol. 419: 133–135.

Response of the gravito-inertial mechanoreceptors during a fall: a mathematical model.
Aleksandrov V., Alexandrova T., Vega, R., Castillo G., Reyes M., Aguilar Y., Ortega A., Shulenina N., and Soto, E.
Research in Computing Science. 35 (2008) 209-218.

Extracellular pH Modulates the Voltage-dependent Ca2+ Current and Low Threshold K+ Current in Hair Cells.
Almanza, A,. Mercado, F., Vega, R. y Soto, E.
Neurochem Res (2008) 33:1435–1441

Late onset muscle plasticity in the whisker pad of enucleated rats.
Toscano-Márquez B, Martínez-Martínez E, Manjarrez, E., Martínez L, Mendoza-Torreblanca J, Gutiérrez-Ospina G.
PNAS. 105 (2008) 15973-15978.

La violencia, innata o adquirida.
Soto, E
62 (2008) 56-59.

Ártes escénicas, empatía, autismo y neuronas en espejo.
Soto, E
61 (2008) 34-39.

Octavio Paz y la ciencia.
Soto, E
60 (2008) 40-46.

Los aromas y el deseo. Olfateo luego entonces, deseo.
Soto, E
59 (2008) 47-52.

Soto, E.
58 (2008) 47-49

La música. De Pitágoras a las redes de neuronas.
Soto, E
57 (2008) 35-38.

Las drogas y la adicción: Una conversación con Nora Volkow.
Soto, E .
70 (2008) 19-32.

Los animales y nosotros.
Soto, E.
71 (2008) 61-6 2.


Prazosin increases immobility episodes in taiep rats without changes in the properties of a 1 receptors.
Cortes Ma., Arias-Montano J.A., Eguibar, J.
Neuroscience Letters. PMID: 412 (2007) 159-162.

Serotonin-Caused Phase Shift of Circadian Rhythmicity in a Photosensitive Neuron.
Rodríguez-Sosa L.,
Calderón-Rosete G., Flores, G,. Porras M.G.
Synapse. 61 (2007) 801-808.

Alterations in Dendritic Morphology of Hippocampal Neurons in Adult Rats After Neonatal Administration of N-Omega-Nitro-L-Arginine.
Morales-Medina J.C., Mejorada A., Romero-Curiel A., Flores, G.
Synapse. 61 (2007) 785-789.

An organelle proteomic method to study
neurotransmission-related proteins, applied to a neurodevelopmental model of schizophrenia.

Vercauteren F., Flores, G., Ma W., Chabot J., Geenen L., Clerens S., Fazel A,. Bergeron J,. Srivastava L., Arckens L., Quirion R.
7 (2007) 3569-3579.

Alterations in Dendritic Morphology of the Prefrontal Cortical and Striatum Neurons in the Unilateral 6-OHDA-Rat Model of Parkinson’s Disease.
Solis O., Limón D., Flores, J., Flores, G.
Synapse. 61 (2007) 450-458.

Ghrelinand GHRP-6 enhance electrical and secretory activity in GC somatotropes.
Domínguez B., Felix R., Monjaraz, E.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 358 (2007) 59-65.

Effects of auditory noise on the psychophysical detection of visual signals: Cross-modal stochastic resonance.
Manjarrez, E., Mendez I, Martínez L, Flores, A., Mirasso C.R.
Neuroscience. Letters. 415 (2007) 231-236.

Cg Na, a type I toxin from these a anemone Condylactis gigantea shows structural similarities to both type I and I Itoxins, as well as distinctive structural and functional properties.
Salceda E., Pérez Castells J., López Méndez B., Garateix A., Salazar H., López O., Aneiros A., Ständker L., Béress L., Forssmann Wolf-Georg, Soto, E., Jiménez Barbero J., and Gímenez-Gallego G.
Biochemical Journal
. 406 (2007) 67-76.

Computing the center of mass for traveling alpha waves in the human brain.
Manjarrez, E. Vázquez M., Flores, A.
Brain Research. 1145 (2007) 239-297.

Stochastic resonance in the motor system: Effects of noise on the monosynaptic reflex pathway of the cat spinal cord.
Martínez L, Pérez T, Mirasso CR, Manjarrez, E.
Journal of Neurophysiology. 97 (2007) 4007-4016.

Modulation of Voltage-Gated Ca2+ Current in Vestibular Hair Cells by Nitric Oxide.
Almanza A., Navarrete F., Vega, R., and Soto, E.
Journal of Neurophysioly. 97 (2007) 1188-1195.

A mathematical model of the response of the semicircular canal and otolith vestibular system rotation under gravity.
Sadovnichy V. A., Alexandrov V. V., Soto, E., Alexandrova T. B., Astakhova T. G., Vega, R., Kulikovskaya N. V., Kurilov V. I., Migunov S. S., and Shulenina N. E
Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 146:3 (2007).

Information Process in Vestibular System.
Alexandrov V. V., Alexandrova T. B., Vega, R., Castillo Quiróz G., Ángeles Vázquez A., Reyes Romero M. and Soto, E.
WSEAS Transactions on Biology and Biomedicine. 4:12 (2007)

CgNa, a type I toxin from the giant Caribbean sea anemone Condylactis gigantea shows structural similarities to both type I and II toxins, as well as distinctive structural and functional properties.
Salceda, E. Perez-Castelles, J. Javier., López-Méndez, B., Garateix, A., Salazar H., López, O., Aneiros, A., Standker, L., Béress, L., Forssmann, W., Soto, E., Jímenez-Barbero, J., Giménez-Gallego., J.
Biochem. J. (2007) 406, 67–76.

El sistema de neuronas en espejo.
Soto, E
. y Vega, R.
Salud Mental
(2007) .

Neurotoxinas de cianobacterias en los alimentos.
Pérez Flores C.y Soto, E.
Elementos 66, (2007), 47-50.

Arte y cerebro.
Soto, E.

. 56 (2007). 36-37.


Increased nitric oxide levels and nitric oxide synthase isoform expression in the cerebellum of the taiep rat during its severe demyelination stage.
Alicia León-Chávez B., Aguilar-Alonso P., González-Barrios J. A, Eguibar, J., Ugarte A., Brambila E., Ruiz-Arguelles A., Martínez-Fong D.
Brain Research
. 1121 (2006) 221-230.

Developmental impairment of compound action potential in the optic nerve of myelin mutant taiep rat.
Roncagliolo M., Schlageter C., León C., Couve E., Bonansco C. and Eguibar, J.
Brain Research. 1067 (2006) 78-84.

2 Adrenoceptors Are Involved in the Regulation of the Gripping-Induced Immobility Episodes in taiep Rats.
Eguibar, J. Cortés, M., Valencia J., Arias-Montaño J.A.
Synapse 60:(2006) 362-370.

Rhythm in the Levels of the Serotonin 5-HT1A Receptors in the Crayfish Eyestalk.
Calderón Rosete G., Flores, G., Rodríguez-Sosa L. Diurnal
Synapse. 59 (2006) 368-373.

Neonatal Caffeine Administration Causesa Permanent In crease in the Dendritic Length of Prefrontal Cortical Neurons of Rats.
Juárez-Méndez S., Carretero R., Martínez-Téllez R., Silva-Gómez B., Flores, G. ,
Synapse 60 (2006) 450-455

Neurotensin Polyplex as an Efficient Carrier for Delivering the Human GDNF Gene into Nigral Dopamine Neurons of Hemiparkinsonian Rats.
González-Barrios J., Lindahl M., J.Bannon M., Anaya-Marti´nez V., Flores, G., Navarro-Quiroga I., E.Trudeau L., Aceves J., B.Martínez-Arguelles D., Garcia-Villegas R., Jiménez I., Segovia J., Martínez-Fong D.
Molecular Therapy.14:6 (2006)

Enhanced Locomotor Activity in Adult Rats With Neonatal Administration of N-Omega-Nitro-L-Arginine.
Mejorada A., Aguilar-Alonso P., León-Chávez B., Flores, G.
. 60 (2006) 264-270.

The D3-dopaminergic Agonist 7-hydroxy-dipropylaminotetralin (7-OH-DPAT) Increases Cardiac Action Potential Duration and Blocks Human Ether-a-go-go-related Gene K+Channel.
Torres, J., Tejeda-Chávez H., Rodríguez-Menchaca A., Sánchez-Chapula J.,
Navarro-Polanco R.
Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology. 47:5 (2006) 656-662.

Ghost resonance in a pool of heterogeneous neurons.
Balenzuela P., Garcia-Ojalvo J., Manjarrez, E., Martínez L. y Mirasso C.R.
Biosystems. 89 (1-3) (2006) 116-172.

Phantom reflexes: Muscle contractions at a frequency not physically present in the input stimuli.
Manjarrez, E., Balenzuela P, García-Ojalvo J, Vásquez EE, Martínez L, Flores, A., Mirasso CR.
Biosystems. 90:2 (2006) 379-388.

Acid-sensing ionic channels in the rat vestibular endorgans and ganglia.
Mercado F., López I. A , Acuna D., Vega, R. and Soto, E.
Journal of Neurophysiology
. 96 (2006) 1615-1624.

Nitric oxide in the amphibian (Ambystoma tigrinum) lateral line.
Vega, R., Ortega A., Almanza A. and Soto, E.
Neuroscience Letters.
393 (2006) 65-69.

Cellular mechanisms of lead neurotoxicity.
Garza A., Vega, R. y Soto, E.
Medical Science Monito.r 12:3 (2006)

Effects of APC a sea anemone toxin on sodium currents of mammalian neurons.
Salceda E., Garateix A., Aneiros A., Salazar H., López O. y Soto, E.
Brain Research.
1110 (2006) 136-143.

DITPA restores the repolarizing potassium currents Itof and Iss in cardiac ventricular myocytes of diabetic rats.
Ferrera T., Gallego M., Madrigal-Quiñónez R.,Torres, J., Navarro-Polanco R., Cásis O., Sánchez-Chapulaa J.
Life Sciences
. 79: 9(2006)

El placer, el cerebro y las nuevas drogas.
Soto, E
Elementos 64, (2006) 53-58.

De la energética a la neurotransmisión:el adenosín trifosfato y sus receptores.
Galindo, F., Flores, G.
Revista de Neurología
; 43 :11 (2006) 667-677.



Genotype-dependent effect of ACTH1-24 on grooming and yawning in two inbred strains of rats.
Eguibar, J.,Barajas M. y Moyaho, A.
38 (2004) 283-288.

NMDA Receptor Alterations in Neurons from Pediatric Cortical Dysplasia Tissue.
Andre VM, Flores, J., Cepeda C, Starling AJ, Nguyen S, Lobo MK, Vinters HV, Levine MS, Mathern GW.
Cereb Cortex.

Persistence of PAD and presynaptic inhibition of muscle spindle afferents after peripheral nerve crush.
Enríquez-Denton M. , Manjarrez, E., Rudomin P.
Brain Research.
1027 (2004) 179-187.

A mathematical model of the response of semicircular canal and otolith to head rotation under gravity.
Alexandrov VV., Alexandrova TB., Astakhova TG., Kulikovskaya NV., Kurilov VI., Migunov SS., Shulenina NE., Soto, E., Vega, R.
Journal of Gravitational Physiology. 11:2 (2004) 25-26.

Corrections of a vestibular funtion under extreme conditions of the aerospace flight.
Alexandrov V., Lemak S., Shkel A. and Soto, E.
Proccedings of the 16th IFAC Symposium on Automatic Control in Aerospace. St Petersburg Ed. Alexandr Nebylov
. 1 (2004) 268-273.


Behavioral differences between selectively bred rats: D1 versus D2 receptors in yawning and grooming.
Eguibar, J., Romero-Carbente J. C, Moyaho, A.
Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior
. 74 (2003) 827-832

Immunocytochemical distribution of the AMPA receptor subunits GluR2/3 and GluR4 in the cristae ampullares of the hatched chicken.
Elezgarai I. , Puente N., Azkue J.J., Hermida D., Bilbao A., Díez J., Doñate-Oliver F., Flores, A. and Grandes P.
Eur Journal Anat
. (2003): 79-83

Dcreased dendritic spine density on prefrontal cortical and hippocampal pyramidal neurons in postweaning social isolation rats.
Silva-Gomez A., Rojas D., Juárez I., Flores, G.
Brain Research
. 983 (2003) 128-136

Morphological and Electrophysiological Characterization of Abnormal Cell Types in Pediatric Cortical Dysplasia.
Cepeda C.,S. Hurst R., Flores, J.,
Hernández-Echeagaray E., J. Klapstein G.,K. Boylan M., R. Calvert C.,L. Jocoy E. Nguyen O., M. Andre V. V. Vinters H., A. Ariano M., S. Levine M. W. Mathern G.
Journal of Neuroscience Research.
72 (2003) 472-486.

Stochastic Resonance within the Somatosensory System: Effects of Noise on Evoked Field Potentials Elicited by Tactile Stimuli.
Manjarrez, E., Rojas-Piloni G., Méndez I., and Flores, A.
Journal of Neuroscience. 23:1997-2001 (2003).

Stochastic resonance in the spinal cord and somatosensory cortex of the cat.
Manjarrez, E., Rojas-Piloni, Pérez H., Méndez I., Hernández-Paxtián Z., and Flores, A.
Proc. of SPIE. 5110 (2003) 1-12.

pH modulate the vestibular afferent discharge and its response to excitatory amino acids.
Vega, R., Mercado F., Chávez H., Limón A.,Almanza A., Ortega, A., Pérez M.E., Soto, E.
14 (2003) 1327-1328.

Comparative behavioral changes between male and female postpubertal rats following neonatal excitotoxic lesions of the ventral hippocampus.
Adriana B. Silva-Gomez, Martha Bermudez, Remi Quirion, Lalit K. Srivastava, Ofir Picazo, Flores, G.
Brain Research.
973 (2003) 285-292

Anoxia at birth induced hyperresp onsiveness to amphetamine and stress in postpubertal rats.
Juárez I., Silva-Gómez A., Peralta F., Flores, G.
Brain Research.
992 (2003) 281-287

Noradrenaline increases the firing rate of a subpopulation of rat subthalamic neurones through the activation of a 1-adrenoceptors.
Arcos D., Sierra A., Nuñez A., Flores, G., Aceves J., Arias-Montaño J. A.
Neuropharmacology. 45 (2003) 1070-1079

Intersegmental synchronization of spontaneous activity of dorsal horn neurons in the cat spinal cord.
Manjarrez, E., Jiménez I., Rudomin P.
Experimental Brain Research. 148 (2003) 401-413

Calcium current in type I hair cells isolated from the semicircular canal crista ampullaris of the rat.
Almanza A., Vega, R. y Soto, E.
Brain Research.
994 (2003) 175-180

Opioid receptors mediate a postsynaptic facilitation and a presynaptic inhibition at the afferent Synapse of axolotl vestibular hair cells.
Vega, R. y Soto, E.
Neuroscience. 118 (2003) 75-85

Fisiologia de la audición: la cóclea.
Soto, E., Vega, R., Chávez H. y Ortega A.
Instituto de Fisiología, Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (2003)

Compuestos de origen marino como instrumentos para el estudio del sistema nervioso.
Garateix A., García T., Salceda E., y Soto, E.
(2003) 6-12.

Bunodosoma granulífera: fuente de péptidos con acción sobre canales iónicos.
Garateix A., Salceda E., Aneiros A. y Soto, E.
(2003) 13-21.

Lóbulos frontales y cognición.
Vega, R. y Soto, E.
Salúd Mental 26: 6 (2003) 84-85.

La cabeza de Scarpa
Soto, E.
Elementos 52 (2003) 43-45


Bombesin decreases yawning in a high-yawning subline of Sprague-Dawley rats.
Diaz-Romero, M., Eguibar, J., Moyaho, A.
Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior
. 71 (2002) 103-109.

Functional and autoradiographic characterization of dopamine D2-like receptor.
Gómez, J.; Rousseau G., Nadeau R., Berra R., Flores, G ., Suarez J.
Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology. 80:6 (2002) 578

Neonatal prefrontal cortex les ion using CO 2 laser technique.
Sánchez-Huerta L., Ayala G., Marroquín J., Calderón R., Silva-Gómez A., Khotiaintsev K., Degtiareva L., Khotiaintsev N., Flores, G.
Brain Research
. (2002) 69-74

Mutant Taiep rats exhibit an increase in D1 biding in basalganglia.
Flores, G., Flores J., Mena R., Valencia J.
Brain Research. 956 (2002) 24-29

Dopamine Enhancement of NMDA Currents in Dissociated Medium-Sized Striatal Neurons: Role of D1 Receptors and DARPP-32
Flores, J., Cepeda C., Hernández-Echegaray E., R. Calvert C., S. Jokel E., A. Fienberg A.,Greengard P., S. Levine M.
J Neurophysiol.
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Activity-dependent bidirectional regulation of GABAA receptor channels by the 5-HT4 receptor-mediated signalling in rat prefrontal cortical pyramidal neurons.
Cai X., Flores, J., Feng J., Yan Z.
Journal of Physiology. 540:3 (2002) 743-759.

The Sea Anemone Toxins BgII and BgIII Prolong the Inactivation Time Course of the Tetrodotoxin-Sensitive Sodium Current in Rat Dorsal Root Ganglion Neurons.
Salceda E., Garateix A., Soto, E.
The Journal of Pharmacology and experimental therapeutics
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Grooming and Yawing trace adjustement to unfamiliar environments in laboratory Sprague-Dawley rats (Ratus norvegicus)
Moyaho, A
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The receptor potential in type I and type II vestibular system hair cells: a model analysis.
Vega, R. , Soto, E.
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Cortical neuronal ensembles driven by dorsal horn spinal neurones with spontaneous activity in the cat.
Manjarrez, E., Rojas-Piloni, G. Vazquez, D., Flores, A.
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Amplitude of somatosensory cortical evoked potentials correlated with spontaneous activity of spinal neurones in the cat.
Manjarrez, E., Rojas-Piloni, G. Martínez, L., Vázquez, D., Vélez, D. y Flores, A.
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Stochastic resonance in human electroencephalographic activity elicited by mechanical tactile stimuli.
Manjarrez, E., Diaz-Martínez O., Méndez I. y Flores, A.
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Internal stochastic resonance in the coherence between spinal and cortical neuronal ensembles in the cat.
Manjarrez, E., Rojas-Piloni, J.G., Méndez, I., Martínez, L., Vélez, D., Vázquez, D., Flores, A.
Neuroscience Letters. 326 (2002) 96-96

Absence of coherence between cervical and lumbar spinal corddorsal surface potentials in the anaesthetized cat.
Manjarrez, E. ,Pérez H., Rojas-Piloni G., Velez D., Martínez L., Flores, A.
Neuroscience Letters.328 (2002) 37-40.

A mathematical model for the mechanoreceptor of angular accelerations.
Sadovnichi V.A., Alexandrov V.V., Alexandrova T.B., Astakhova T.G., Vega, R., Kulikovskaya N.V., Soto, E., and Shulenina N.E.
Mechanics Bulletin
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Opioid receptor mediate a postsynaptic facilitation and a presynaptic inhibition at the afferent Synapse of axolotl vestibular hair cells.
Vega, R. y Soto, E.

Influencias Medio Ambientales y Farmacológicas Sobre el Bostezo y el Aseo en Dos Sublíneas de Ratas con Una Frecuencia de Bostezo Espontáneo Diferente.
Eguibar, J., Moyaho, A., y Carbente R.
Neuroetología: La Década del Cerebro y la Conducta Animal.


Regional and temporal progression of reactive astrocytosis in the brain of the myelin mutant taiep rat.
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Nitric oxide in the afferent synaptic transmission of the axolotl vestibular system
Flores, A., Vega, R., Soto, E.
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NO donor SIN-I potentiates monosynaptic reflexes in the cat spinal cord.
Manjarrez, E., Rocha T. , Rojas-Piloni G. , Méndez I. , Velez D. , Flores, A.
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Nitric Oxide modulates spontaneous cord dorsum potentilas in the cat spinal cord.
Manjarrez, E ., Rocha T. , Rojas-Piloni G. , Méndez I. , Flores, A.
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Betahistine Produces Post-synaptic Inhibition of the Excitability of the Primary Afferent Neurons in the Vestibular Endorgans.
Soto, E. , Vega, R. Chávez H., Valli P., Benvenuti C.
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Inmunohistochemical localization and electrophysiological action of nociceptin/orphanin-FQ in the snail (Helixaspersa) neurons.
Vega, R. , Soto, E. León-Olea M., Miller-Pérez C., Cruz R, Antón B.
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La importancia de los modelos animales para el estudio de las enfermedades de la mielina y del sueño.
Eguibar, J., Cortés M. C.
Temas Selectos de Neurociencias II, Ed. Javier Velázquez Moctezuma
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La Fisiología de Conducta: Experiencia de un Laboratorio.
Avendaño M., Barajas M., Cortés M.C. Díaz A., Díaz M., Eguibar, J., Gavito B., Moyaho A., Romero J.C., Ugarte A., Valencia J.

El sistema vestibular: aspectos generales y neurodesarrollo.
Flores, A., Galicia I. S. , Gómez R. G.
Temas Selectos de Neurociencias II, Ed. Javier Velázquez Moctezuma
, UAM-PUIS (2001).

Características morfológicas y electrofisiológicas de las neuronas del ganglio vestibular en cultivo.
Soto, E
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Gaceta Médica de México
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El Yo del vórtex (de las neuronas a sí mismo).
Soto, E., R., Linas R.
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El oído y la música
Soto, E.
Elementos, 44. (2001) 11-19.


BgK anemone toxin inhibits outward K+ currents in snail neurons.
Garateix A. , Vega, R., Salceda E. , Cebada J. , Aneiros A. , Soto, E.
Brain Research. 864 (2000) 312-314.

Effects of betahistine on the vestibular receptors: binding sites.
Chávez H. , Vega, R., Valli P. , Mira E. , Benvenuti C. , Guth P. S. , Soto, E.
Vertigo e betaistina, C. Benvenuti (Ed).Formenti, Milan, Italia. (2000).

Microcomputer program for automated action potential waveform analysis.
Soto, E., Salceda E. , Cruz R. , Ortega A. , Vega, R.
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 62 (2000) 141-144.

Cuando los animales no son amigos del hombre.
Vega, R.
Elementos 36 (2000) 74-75.

Programa computacional interactivo para la enseñanza de las bases fisiológicas del potencial de membrana en reposo
Salceda E. , Soto, E.
Descargar POTMEM16.ZIP (software gratis).


El yo y la enfermedad.
Soto, E.
Elementos 35 (1999) 3-11.

Lewis and Fischer rats: a comparison of dopamine transporter and receptors levels.
Flores, G., Graham K. Wood, Barbeau D., Quirion R., Lalit K. Srivastava *
Brain Research. 814 (1998) 34-40
Historia del Instituto de Fisiología.
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Selective cortical and segmental control of primary afferent depolarization of single muscle afferents in the cat spinal cord.
Eguibar, J., Quevedo J., Rudomin P.
Experimental Brain Research.
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Patterns of connectivity of spinal interneurons with single muscle afferents.
Eguibar, J., Quevedo J., Lomelí J. , Rudomin P.
Experimental Brain Research.
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Inhibition of Grooming by Pilocarpine Differs in High-andLow-Yawning Sublines of Sprague-Dawley Rats.
Eguibar, J., Moyaho, A.
Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior
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M3 muscarinic receptors mediate cholinergic excitation oí the spontaneous activity of subthalamic neurons in the rat.
Flores, G., Hernández S., Rosales M.G., Sierra A., Martínez Fong D., Flores, J., Aceves J.
Neuroscience Letters
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Muscarinic antagonists microinjected into the subthalamic nucleus decrease muscular rigidity in reserpinized rats.
Hernández-López S., Flores, G., Rosales M. G., Sierra A., Martínez-Fong D., Aceves J.
Neuroscience Letters
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5-Hydroxytryptamine increases spontaneous activity of subthalamic neurons in the rat.
Flores, G., Rosales G.M., Hernández S., Sierra A. Aceves J.
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El Cerebro Drogado.
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